CTU Recruitment 2018 ‘Driver/Conductor’ New भर्ती Notification, Form
चंडीगढ़ परिवहन उपक्रम comes in existence in 1966 with fleet of total 30 buses. Chandigarh Transport Undertaking have main functions to provide bus service to general public with city and nearby locations like Haryana, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Delhi, Jammu & Kashmir, Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand and Rajasthan.
Chandigarh Transport Department recruitment process and details will available as soon. Driver, Conductor, clerk, junior assistant, mechanic recruitment detail will released very soon.
Dear aspirants those are looking for CTU Recruitment 2018 inform that stay online with us to get notification & apply online link. It will be update as soon @ chdctu.gov.in or more detail will be available at here (after released by official)
CTU Recruitment 2018 Notification.
Candidates eagerly waiting for latest recruitment or bharti. People inform that stay online with chdctu.gov.in चंडीगढ़ परिवहन उपक्रम समय समय पर ड्राईवर और कंडक्टर के पदों की भर्ती कराती है| इच्छुक अभियार्थियो से अनुरोध है की भर्ती की जानकारी और आवेदन पत्र को प्राप्त करने के लिए chsma.in पर ऑनलाइन रहें और भर्ती की जानकारी, चयन परिक्रिया यहाँ से प्राप्त करें|
Chandigarh is common capital of Haryana & Punjab state and have separate transport department. Department will announced driver & conductor post recruitment as soon. To get CTU Driver Recruitment 2018 Notification as well as get CTU Conductor Recruitment 2018 Notification will released as soon.
CTU Recruitment 2018 Chandigarh
Chandigarh Transport Undertaking recruitment for conductor and driver posts will released as soon.
चंडीगढ़ परिवहन आयुक्त बस चालक, कंडक्टर और अन्य तकनीकी और गैर तकनीकी पदों के लिए भर्ती करेंगे। तो सीटीयू भर्ती 2018 विस्तृत अधिसूचना प्राप्त करने के लिए बने रहें. Firstly all candidates inform that stay online with chdctu.gov.in to get recruitment detail and marks. CHD CTU Recruitment detail will available official website only.
CTU total route services is one lakh twenty thousand in which city & suburban services – 80000 km/day & long route service – 40000 km/day. CTU under Chandigarh Government and mainly provide bus service to general public.
Department | Chandigarh Transport Corporation |
Recruitment | Driver & Conductor |
Job Location | Chandigarh |
Form | CTU Application Form |
Application Date | As soon |
Get | CTU Vacancy 2018 |
link | ctuchd.gov.in |
Available | Update Soon |
Also Get | Chandigarh Roadways Conductor Vacancy 2018 |
All dear candidates inform that get all kind of information including eligibility criteria. Also application form, age limit, selection criteria, fee submission date, Processing fees and others. It will be provided at below side. Candidates can get CTU Driver Vacancy 2018 as well as get CTU Conductor Vacancy 2018 and detail is available at here and apply online link will be update as soon at chdctu.gov.in.
CTU Conductor Recruitment 2018 Latest
Qualification – 10+2 passed candidates are eligible to apply for recruitment (10+2 from recognized board (state board of national).
Essential Requirement – Candidate should hold a valid Conductor’s Licence issued before last date of application. He/She will be eligible to avail benefits only once in life.
Age – As on 1st Jan 2017 candidates age should be min 18 years and maximum 25 years. age relaxation detail will be update at official link (it will be available as soon).
Also Processing Fee – As per 2016 detail application fee for general/OBC candidates was Rs 800/- and for SC/Ex-serviceman Rs 400/-
Selection Criteria – All candidates will called for written test and written test will consist two papers & 100 marks for each paper. Written exam will objective type & MCQ questions). Paper 1 – Numerical Ability, General Knowledge & Science,Elementary Computer Knowledge, English. Paper 2 – Knowledge of Traffic Criteria, First Aid, General Behavior & Safety. Time for each paper will 90 min (1 hr 30 min). Selection of candidates will based on marks of both papers.
There will be no personal interview for any post.
All candidates requested to stay online or get detail at official chdctu.gov.in for proper or accurate detail and updates.
CTU Driver Recruitment 2018 News
Candidates inform that get Chandigarh CTU Recruitment 2018 as well as get here CTU Driver Vacancy 2018 detail will available at here. CTU Recruitment Bus Conductor 2018 notification will released as soon along with application form link. Candidates inform that get all details by click on official link and follow instructions given.
Procedure – Open official portal of Chandigarh Transport Undertaking. Official page will open, Click on recruitment category in which recruitment notification along with apply online link. Submit detail and proceed, after that application number will available. Save it for further use. it will be released as soon. CTU Recruitment 2018 Apply Online.
Link – DID Lil Champ Form Online – Season 6
Link – CTU Recruitment 2018 Driver Conductor – Apply Online
Hlo ji
Sr Chetram verma cunducter job
I m heavy duty driver bus and heavy trailer with 4 years experience
I am Libra bus conductor.+2 pass. I am interested in ctu conductor job
Sir age .or state ka baran ma batyan
I am BA pas ctu may recruitment kab hogi sir
sir, my name gurmukh singh, i am bus driver,mere kol htv licance b hai
Sir I want a ctu job
Sir apply date kab task aaye gi
sir ji CTU driver ki vacncay kab nikal rhe h
Sir mam job vicancy kab tak nikal ni hye
my name is Sahil coalificion 10+2 B.a pass candacteri ki post kab nikal ni hye mane candacteri ki post ke liye aplye Karna cahta hu
My name is arvind kumar I am interested sand form application
myself charnjeet singh i am interested in ctu driver vacancy inform the application form and my experience 3 year
Jiteander kumar
July 13/7/2018 am
Sie driver vacacies kav tk open
Hongi havvy licens hay 5 year expreans intrast ho
Conductor ki vacancy kb niklygi sir i am interested this job
Sir ji post kab tak onen hongi or kon kon say paper me aayengi
Conductor and driver heavy licence
hlo sir i am ravi kumar intereted for conducter job..
Sir conductor job kado nikal ni Ha….
sir ji conductor Ki post ke liye age limit kitne hai??
sir conductors ke post kb niklige
i am very intrested in ctu conductor
sir/mam vacnacis kab tk opne hone wali h mujha be batan
sir inform me when job come
I m driver expirence 10 year
Sir kab requirement aye get ctu ke
Esme education pr be apply kr skte he kya
sir my name is sanjeev kumar i have 4 month experience in himachal tranport
Sir conductor ki vacancies kb niklgi m ab v libra bus m conductor ho jalandar sai Mohali chalta ho
sir, mem
I m interested in CTU conductor job
Helo sir driver ke bharti lab nikke ge
Kab tak aayegi vacency sir form kab fill honge