How to get rid of Blue Whale Game “App” Suicide Challenge Stop Playing
Blue Whale known as Suicidal Game and game is based on connection or relationship between challengers and administrator. In which administrator give difficult challenges to players. First of all question arise that from where game evolve and who are the administrator? So It’s a internet game and russian game and now exist in several countries. How to Stop Blue Whale Game
Now parents and challengers seeking How to escape from Blue Whale Game. It is suicidal game & get solution how to get rid of Blue Whale Game.
How to Get Rid of Blue Whale Game
How BW played – It’s a challenge based game and series of 50 days challenges. Which may include watch horror movies and print whale on hand with the help of knife or blade and final task is linked to suicide. It’s also called death group game. Its is psychological based game and main target of admins is kids and teen agers (which are easy to control psychologically). In India and other country so many kids lost their life by playing this dangerous game. How to Stop Suicide due to Blue Whale Game
How to get rid of Blue Whale Game
The game began from Russia in 2013 and have serious impact on teen agers. Now big question is that how to avoid Blue Whale Game. So many teen agers (which psychologically controlled by BW admins) seeking How to escape from Blue Whale Game.
We like to inform all dear friends that please avoid this game and spent maximum time with family, friend and live actual world.
Someone said that “Technology is a good servant but a bad owner”. So use technology according to need and for good use. Don’t make a bad habit.
In India and other countries like Russia, China, Argentina, Brazil and others. blue whale become a serious problem for parents and government. Government of India starts some campaign and counselling program. So kids inform that attend counselling programs to escape from blue whale challenge.
How to Escape From Blue Whale Game
Key Points to Stop Blue Whale Game
Blue Whale Game not a game it’s a Death Trap. Means who join this game could not escape because in starting admin ask some information and photo of player and his/her family. So when someone want to escape from game, he/she get threats from admin. And player become helpless and will have to play this game.
Therefore we like to advise all kids that Stop playing Suicidal game and think about your parents and kept your mind in good things like outdoor game, study, activities and avoid mobile phones and devices.
In India so many teenagers commit suicide during this game. Parents also advise to spent maximum time to their kids. Involve them in various activities, physical games.
Teenagers and kids easy to control psychologically. So Blue Whale admin’s main target is kids upto 18-20 year. So we like to advise their parents that supervise their kids when they using mobile phones and provide them friendly environment in home. Spent quality time their children.
Everyday we hear some bad news like someone commit suicide due to BW game. It’s a bad game for kids. So please avoid this game
How to Stop Playing Blue Whale Game
At last advise all friends that please avoid Blue Whale Deadly Game. How to stop playing blue whale game.
Key Points to avoid blue whale game –
- Study & give maximum time to their study
- Outdoor Game
- Creative activies
- Maximum time with family & friends
- Parents spent quality time with their children
- Counselling & campaign programs in schools and colleges
- Share everything with parents and friends
- Use technology as servant (use as per as need)
So our advise to everyone please stop Suicide Challenge games and other games also like blue whale. And love their parents and friends and live good life. Focus on their study and physical fitness.
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