HSSC Group D Result 2019 घोषित District~wise Merit List 2018
Available now
Group D exam held on 11th November 2018 & supervised by Haryana Staff Selection Commission. Massive number of candidates applied and appeared for written test. For 18148 vacant posts a large number of candidates showing interest and was appeared in exam. Therefore our team informed to all candidates that get HSSC Result 2018 for Group D or HSSC Group D Result 2018 declared now
According to buzz exam result will announced as soon. For more information an updates stay online with chsma.in and stay tuned for Haryana Group D Result 2018, will announced in couple of days.
HSSC Group D Result 2018 Name Wise
Haryana Staff Selection Commission works under state government and mainly established to regulate & conduct recruitment time to time. Main motive to provide eligible staff to various government offices.
हरियाणा कर्मचारी चयन आयोग के अनुसार Group D की परीक्षा दिनांक 11 नवम्बर 2018 को हो चुकी है. आप सभी से अनुरोध है परीक्षा परिणाम और मेरिट लिस्ट यहाँ से प्राप्त करें. HSSC Group D Merit List 2018 pdf Download, department will release as soon.
Recently department conduct female supervisor recruitment. So get here HSSC Group D Exam Result 2018. हरियाणा आँगनवाड़ी महिला पर्यवेक्षक परिणाम जल्द घोषित होने वाला है. आप सभी से अनुरोध है परीक्षा परिणाम जल्द आप लोगो के सामने होगा.
HSSC Group D Result 2018 District wise
Staff Selection Commission of Haryana established in 1970 under number No.523-3GS-70/2068. Head office located in Panchkula and handle recruitment time to time. Functions – Initial appointment of Non gazetted Group C & D under state government except officers and employee of Punjab & Haryana High Court. Promotions and Transfers. Methods of recruitment and principles. Revise rule and regulation time to time. HSSC Gp D Result 2018
Group D posts – 18148 posts
Job location – All over Haryana state
HSSC Gp D Merit List 2018 pdf District Wise – Bhiwani, Faridabad, Rohtak, Palwal, Fatehabad, Jind, Rewari, Hisar, Mewat, Mahendergarh, Sonepat, Panipat, Ambala, Kurukshetra, Jhajjar, Karnal, Yamunanagar, Kaithal, Panchkula, Sirsa, Gurgaon (Gurugram).
HSSC Grpup D Cut Off Marks 2018 as well as Haryana Group D Exam Result 2018 from link provided below.
हरियाणा कर्मचारी चयन आयोग के अंतर्गत परीक्षा संपन्न हो चुकी है और सभी को परीक्षा के परिणाम और मेरिट लिस्ट का इंतजार है. आप सभी को सूचित किया जाता है परीक्षा का परिणाम प्राप्त करे के लिए ऑनलाइन रहे.
HSSC Group D Merit List 2018 pdf
Overview of exam – Total Questions – 100, and total marks 200
Questions from – General Awareness, Reasoning, Maths, Science, English, Hindi, or Concerned subjects as applicable. History, Current Affairs, Literature, Geography, Civics, Environment, Culture of Haryana.
Candidates who will qualified in exam later they called for viva voice after that final list will prepared.
Commission | Haryana Staff Selection Commission |
Recruitment | Group D posts |
Department | Various govt department in Haryana state |
Exam Date | 10, 11, 17, 18 November 2018 |
Answer Key | HSSC Result 2018 Group D |
Available | Declared Now |
Also get | HSSC Group D Merit List pdf |
Official Link | hssc.gov.in |
HSSC Gp d Merit List pdf Download from available option given below. Group D Haryana Result Date 2018 will released with in couple of days. All candidates may seeking Haryana Group D ka result kab aayega. So we like to informed that Haryana Staff Selection Commission will announced Result as soon. Haryana Group D ki Merit List 2018 pdf Download.
हरियाणा कर्मचारी चयन आयोग की परीक्षा का परिणाम, कट ऑफ मार्क्स और मेरिट लिस्ट प्राप्त करने के लिए निचे दिए विकल्प को खोले. HSSC Group D ka Result 2019 from given link.
Haryana Group D Result 2019 Name Wise
Dear candidates those were appeared in exam. They all informed that stay online to get HSSC Result of Group D. Therefore all dear candidates informed that follow procedure and open official link. After that follow procedure to get result. हरियाणा कर्मचारी चयन आयोग जल्द ही परीक्षा का परिणाम जारी कर देगा. HSSC Group D Result Name Wise 2018 will available with in couple of days.
- Firstly Click on link given below to open official page
- Then HSSC home page will open in new tab
- After that open result category.
- Then click on Group D Result, Merit List
- After that click on download option, merit list
- It’s available now please check at link given below
Link – HTET Result December Level 1/2/3
Link – HSSC Group D Exam Result 2018 pdf – Check complete pdf file
Sir Please tell me about the results of the anganwadi supervisor
Sir please tell me about the result of the anganwadi supervisor
Please conform date in anganwadi supervisor result. Cat. No.17
Exem.date 19 Nav.2017
Bina roll no results kese check kru
Result kb aayega cat17 ka pls tell me
Number kitne h aapke
inform me when hssc female supervisor result declared online
When the result is coming.
Expected result date for female supervisor?
Result kb aayega plz confirm the date
Female supervisor result ???…..Pls tell me expected date..?
Sir any result date of anganwadi supervisor? Pls tell me..am waiting for result..
Plz tell me result date
hssc female supervisor ka result jald aAayega yrrr kyo jldi kr rhi h
Cut off kitni jayegi
sre yaar priya cut off to sayad obc ki 140 to 150 jayegi
Sabhi apne apne marks share karo mere 154 gen categori
Result aa gya kyaa??
Bhai apne apne marks share karo mere 154 gen categori
Results aagya
Faltu bakwas pr dhyn mat doh..154 bhut ache no h..ho jaega.gen m bi..
Result aa gya aapka hua kya 154 no pr..
Sir aanganwadi supervisor ki cut of list sc candidates ki kitne par h
aap ka nhi hoga 170 pe lagni h
I want job. When the result will be realsead
Category 17 ka result kab ayaga
Mera scrore 79 ho jyaga kya sir gen cat
Sir result kab tak ayega
Result Kb tk aayega sir ji
anganwadi superwiser result 19 nov wala kab ayaga
Supervisor ka result kb aaega
Result Kab tak aayega sir
Result kb aaega supervisor ka
Result kb aayega
I am waiting for result
May first
Results kb aa rha h
Result February me aa sakta h
Dear sir cat no 17 ka result kb aega
Sir result kabbadi tak ayega
Dear All,
Can you tell me when result declared of aanganwadi supervisor category no. 17. if you have any information then please share….
result femail supervisor kab tek aayega
Kb tk aayega result
mm femal angnwadi superwiser ka result kb tak ayaga
परीक्षा परिणाम आगनवाडी काकब तक आएगा
Agar result aaye to hume bhi btana
Sir female supervisor ka results kb tak aayega
25 marCh announced for resulr
Sir result kb tk aayega
Result KB TK aayega superior ka Kisi ko b nhi PTA kya?
Results aa gaya g
Plz sir tell me kb btaoge result
Kya koi batayega ki cat no 17 ka result kab aayega
Result kb aayega
result kab ayega
i can, t download the HSSC answer key help me.
how to download answer key.
Anganwadi supervisor 19nov 2017 wala result kb ayege pls tell
Result kb aaega
What is the expected cut off for general candidates
Kb aayega result
How to check HSSC female supervisor result
how to download ans.key
Sir reuslt kb aayega cat 17 ka
Sir cat 17 ka reuslt KB aayega
Hello anganwadi supervisor ka result kb tak aayega ji plz reply
January ki 15 ke baad
January m aaye ga
Aa gya ruslt
How can I download answer key of female supervisor
Kitane question thik h aap k
General category k liye min .kitne marks chahiye. Merit me aane k liye.
Sir BC a catogry ma 70 correct h and 3question k answer ma objection h is there any chance
Sir please cat no 17 ka result kab aayga no
key kab tak aaygi btana koyi mujhe
Aa toh gyi h key
sudujangra84@gmail com.
Sir hssc supervise result kab tak aayga
Angawadi superviser cat.no.17 ke official answer key
Mam kaise dekhenge answer key
hssc female supervisor exam result jald hi aayega
result kb ayega hssc ka
Angarwadi cat. No. 17 ki answer send Karna
Sir cat 17 ka results kab aigea.. Woman Anganwadi supervised ka