JSSC CGTTCE Result 2018~Marks! झारखण्ड TGT Cut~off/Merit List
Candidates eagerly waiting for result and merit list subject wise. They inform that stay online with jssc.
Jharkhand Combined Graduate Trained Teacher Competitive Exam held from October to 26th November 2017. Competitive exam supervised by Jharkhand Staff Selection Commission. Massive number of candidates applied and appeared in competitive exam to grab government job. Now all dear candidates advised that get JSSC CGTTCE Result 2018 Date. It will disclosed as soon by official head.
झारखंड संयुक्त स्नातक प्रशिक्षित शिक्षक प्रतिस्पर्धी परीक्षा परिणाम जल्द उपलब्ध होगी
Jharkhand Staff Selection Commission fully undertaken by state government and conducts competitive as well as recruitment test time to time. Therefore department seeking eligible candidates for 17793 posts. Trained Graduate Teacher to be filled through written test followed interview. Candidates waiting for result from long time, so they inform that result will be available within couple of days. Get JSSC CGTTCE 2018 Result subject wise will declared soon.
JSSC CGTTCE Result 2018
Candidates those appeared in exam informed that get JSSC CGTTCE Result Name Wise along with Jharkhand CGTTCE Result 2018 from option given below.
झारखंड कर्मचारी चयन आयोग ने 20 से 26 अक्टूबर तक संयुक्त स्नातक प्रशिक्षित शिक्षक प्रतिस्पर्धी परीक्षा आयोजित की। अब उम्मीदवारों ने सूचित किया कि परिणाम और योग्यता सूची पीडीएफ को jssc.nic.in से प्राप्त करें. Also get JSSC CGTTCE Cut Off Marks 2018 and announced date. संयुक्त स्नातक प्रशिक्षित शिक्षक प्रतिस्पर्धी परीक्षा के परिणाम जल्द ही घोषित किए जाएंगे.
Jharkhand Staff Selection Commission, Ranchi busy in preparation of exam and result will available very soon.
JSSC CGTTCE Result 2018 Date
Under Jharkhand Academic Council thousands of schools enlisted and approx 18000 TGT posts to be filled through competitive exam. A large number of candidates were appeared in exam. So all aspirants advised that get Jharkhand CGTTCE Merit List 2018 pdf which will available within couple of days. Pariksha ka parinam jald hi ghoshit kiya jayega. JSSC will announced competitive exam very soon.
Name of Exam | Combined Graduate Trained Teacher Competitive Exam |
Commission | Jharkhand Staff Selection Commission |
Examination | CGTTCE 2017 |
Exam Date | 20 October to 26 November 2017 |
Result | JSSC CGTTCE Results 2018 |
Merit List | JSSC CGTTCE Merit List pdf Download |
Available | To be announced |
Cutoff | Jharkhand CGTTCE Cut Off Marks |
Therefore all candidates informed that stay online with jssc.in or jssc.nic.in to get exam updates and further selection process. Also candidates advised to frequently visit or stay online with chsma.in to get JSSC Result CGTTCE 2018. It will available very soon.
JSSC CGTTCE Merit List 2018 pdf
Overview of Combined Graduate Trained Teacher Competitive Examination –
Competitive exam conducted in one phase and Hindi was question paper language. Also multiple choice objective type of questions asked. Total 500 marks questions asked in which 200 marks questions from General Knowledge, Hindi Language and 300 marks questions asked from Concerned Subjects.
Subjects – Hindi, English, Education, Physical Science, Sanskrit, Mathematics, Life Science, History, Geography, Economics, Commerce, Home Science etc.
Therefore all candidates advised that stay online for JSSC CGTTCE Exam Result 2018. For more information & updates frequently visit at chsma.in. Jharkhand Staff Selection Commission will announce result very soon.
Moreover for interview date and further selection process, information will update soon. Dear aspirants those appeared in exam and seeking JSSC Result of CGTTCE as well as JSSC TGT Result 2017. All informed that department will release exam result within couple of days.
JSSC TGT Exam Result 2018
Combined Graduate Trained Teacher Competitive Exam 2018 conducted to select eligible candidates for 17793 posts of TGT Teachers. Competitive exam supervised by Staff Selection Commission of Jharkhand under state government. So all dear candidates informed that get JSSC CGTTCE Exam Result 2018 as well as get JSSC CGTTCE Result Date 2018. For more updates information please stay tuned and result will available very soon. Jharkhand Staff Selection Commission will release result very soon.
झारखंड कर्मचारी चयन आयोग will announced संयुक्त स्नातक प्रशिक्षित शिक्षक प्रतियोगी परीक्षा result with in couple of days.
- Firstly click on official link provided below.
- Then official JSSC page will open
- After that click on result category & open CGTTCE Result link
- Then Download merit list, get result by submit roll number, DOB
- It will released as soon.
Link – Jharkhand GDS Result 2018 Merit List
Link – JSSC CGTTCE Result 2018 – Get Exam Result Here
Garhwa se Hindi ka kitana marks tak cut off jayega
garhwa ka cut of 220 marks jane ki sambhawana hai
Sir palamu SE Hindi ki cut off kitni jayegi
Sir palamu SE Hindi ki cut off kitni jayegi
apka kitna mark bhai
Mera 238 aa raha ha hindi ma garhwa sa ..any chances
Palamu se hindi ki merit kitana tak safe rahega.. plzz tel me.
जामताडा जिला से हिन्दी में कट अप मार्कस कितना होने की संभावना हैंं
115 question tk me ho gayega
Dhanbad se history/civics me OBC-1 ka cut off kitna ja sakta hai? Mera score 188/300 hai. Koi chance hai?
Dit Palau physical education me 97 shi h Kya chance h result jab ayega
Result kbtk ayega….mevi phy edu s hu plz rply
Pakka ho jayega
Mera 93 h
Mera phy edu 103 h
Sir dhanbad dist,physical education cut off general kitna ho sakta hai?
Mera 114 h phy edu m
Bokaro se 85 physical education me
Chance hundred percent hai sir
Bhai garhwa ka kitna jayega Cutt off history civics ka
Koi ladka hy jo 125 se upper ho yaha
246 h mera
Kya chance h
Mera history &civis me252 marks hai126 q. Sahi hai
Mera 128 hai bhai but dar lagta hai hoga ya nhi
Sanskrit 120 chance h kya palamu se plz tell me sir
sanskrit me 132 Nomber h kya Dhanbhad se plz tell me sir
Sir mera Sanskrit 125 ha Kya. General category m number aa. Gayega please reply
Palamu see tgt Sanskrit ka Kya score hota . Plz inform me .genral category se
130 above
Bhai aap ne 280 aur 130 do bole hi so mi confused hu . Plz clear thoda bataye. Palamu disstt see Sanskrit, genral category se
280 means 140 correct answer 140*2=280
Ye bataeye result kb ghosit ho raha h
Feb second week
Mene palamu district geography me apply kiya tha or mera 106 question sahi hai . Kya koe sambhavna hai
Where do you live sir
Yes u have a fair chance
Ramgadh Sanskrit koi h
Bhai kitne Sanskrit me tumhare question sahi hai…
133 Sanskrit ramgadh hair mera general me
133q sahi ya 133 score hi out of 300 me se
Ji ramgarh se sanskrit ..143 question sahi hai
Dhanded me history and civis ka merit kya rahega .300 me kitna jaruri hai
Dhanded me history and civis ka merit kya rahega
palamu se Urdu ka cut off kitna rahega sir
aap ka kitna hai?
Md.azad ali
mera 250 hai
palamu se Urdu ka cut off kitna rahega sir
Palamu Se Hindi ki merit Kitni Jayegi
Kitna question Sahi hai aapka??
Hindi 120 question safe hain
115 q
230 से नीचे नहीं आएगी।
Jharkhand Hindi Palamu Se Hindi ki merit Kitni Jayegi
Kuchh pta chala Suni
l ji
High school result kab tak niklaega sir
kab tak high school ka result niklaega sir
Geography ranchi ka cute off sc ka kitana hai koi btao bhai
105 sc ka rahega apka kitna hai ….
Apka kitna hai tell ….
Mera gen me 110/150 hai
Danbhad me history, civicska merit kitne par lagega. Mera 300 me224 hai kya mera merit banega
175 jssc cgttce result
Maine compulsory paper main omr sheet main question booklete number likhker usme circle nahi kiya. Sir please mujhe bataye kya mera paper cancel ho jayega
Sir bokaro district se tgt ka result kab out hoga main engine subject se unreserved category se bokaro se form bharatha
Science and comestry ka cut of mark Kya hoga palamu jile ka
What is expected cut off chemistry and biology in devghar district.
190 rahne ki ummid hai
Result kbtk declare hoga plz koi bta de
फ़रवरी में।
16 Feb 2018
15 march
Sanskrit from giridih ???
Kitna ha sir
Girdih se Sanskrit me 260 W
ala sef h
bokaro hitory and civics ka cut off kitna hoga
AAP Bokaro me home sec se kisi Ko jante hai
Aapka kitna hai main v bokaro sent hu gen 106 q sahi hai
हाई स्कूल टीचर रिजल्ट कब निकलेगा सर
B.ed.apearing candidates ko certificate submit karne sambandhi koi suchna hai kya
Abhi nahi May first week
High school teacher ka results kab dega sir plz bataiye sir
High school ka result KOB take hoga
Sanskrit ka cut off kaya hogi st is leye
Giridih see hidid ka cut ofrom marks
Kitna jayega
Sanskrit is cut off kaya hogi st me leye simdega k e leye
Kodarema se sanskrit se 141 shi h gen. Me kya chance h
135 que. Gen
Chatra se music me merit list ka kat of kya hoga sir ji
Kitna sahi hai ?
Apka kitna quesn sahi h
palamu se Music ka koi h To whatsapp nmbr cntct me
Mai Geography subject se Giridih District se From app. Kiya Hu. Aur mera 103 ho rha h, kya Sambhavna h..
Please aap log kaun se District se app. Kiye h aur aap ka kitna ho rha h jarur btaye..
Mene palamu see apply kiya that or near 106 question sahi hai kya kya sambhavna hai
Mera Girish geography me 72 questions sahi ho Raha hai
Kiya umid hai reply please general candidate hu
geography paper is very difficult so that i think cut off near about 100 to 105 question … and also
its depend upon district cut off ..
Aged koi danbad sent ho to batao merit kya rahegi
Hindi cg tgt 190 cut of mark 2017
Result kbtk declear hoga
Dist Garhwa subject hindi cut off street kya ho sakta haì jssc cg tgt 2017
Lakhan kumar mahto dic ramgarh jharkhand lk9614712@emailcom
कितना मार्क है आपका
Dist Garhwa subject hindi cut off street kya ho sakta haì
115 hoga aap ka kitna h mobile no plz
Mera 112/143 ma ha
Mera 119 question sahi ha
Jssc cgttce result kab bhejoge
Plamu se history civics general ka cut off kya rhega
Aap ka kitana question sahi hai
Sir result tgt ka kab tak aayega
Koderma me Urdu ka cutoff bataye
S Kumar aap ne kis dist se apply kia
Giridih ki Hindi me kitni jaygi mera 93 think h
Plamu se sc ph geography ka cutoff kya hoga
West singhbhum primary teachers kota me maths ka city off kitna hoga?
geog ka cutt off sc plamu kya hoga
Dist Latehar. History./civics .cut off. Kay hoga. Sir
latehar district me 90 plus economics me kitne hai…
Tell me about JSSC CGTTCE result date..
cut off ke
chakkar me
time cut
mat lo
jo hoga
Ap to kabi hai ji
geography ka cut off kitna ayega?
Giridih me English ka cut off Kiya rah skta hai
sir ramgarh se eng cutoff kya ho sakta hai
With out reserve political science ka cutoff kya ho skta h.
Dhanbad se physical education ka kitana jayega mera 95 hai
धनबाद से फिजिकल एजुकेशन की कट ऑफ क्या जाएगी
What is your score
90 questions shi wale
Sir mevi phy edu subject s hu result kbtk ayega
Bokaro se any one for physical education
Aapna district share kre
I’m from Bokaro Physical education
95. 100 ke bich
160 marks walo ka physical education me godda me kya ummind hai bataya jay
Deoghar se geography ka expected cut off kya ho sakta hai(general category)
Mera v deoghar se hai 93 sahi hai.geography.
Geoghar geography 93/150
Max 105
Aap logo ke Friends circle me log Kitna Bata rhe h.. Aur aapka kitna h.. Mere Yha ke logo ka anuman100+h..
Dhanbad ka cutoff kitna hoga geography ka?
S. Kumar and Anonymous aap ne kon se jila se apply kia?
Mene kodrma s apply Kia h geography s ar 90 shi h kitna jayegi cut off..and Hindi m 117 shi h
Jssc high school teacher geography resolt
Ranchi dist gen cat 110/150 hai geography me Rani jee
dist – simdega me history/civics ka cuts marks kya rahega ST KA
Danbhad me his.civ.ka merit kya hoga
Simdega se history civics gen ka cut of marks kitna rahega.
Jssc tgt Urdu ka cutoff kitna rahega
Kis zila ka
Aapke kitne hain
Mai Mamta from Dhanbad
Mera Hindi tgt me 114ques Sahi hai
Category_ general
Dhanbad ka cut off kitna hone ki umid hai
aap k kitna no hai
Commerce cut off kya hoga
Valiant singhaniya g kite shi h Palau physical education main
260 hoga
Kis subject me