JSSC CGTTCE Result 2018~Marks! झारखण्ड TGT Cut~off/Merit List
Candidates eagerly waiting for result and merit list subject wise. They inform that stay online with jssc.
Jharkhand Combined Graduate Trained Teacher Competitive Exam held from October to 26th November 2017. Competitive exam supervised by Jharkhand Staff Selection Commission. Massive number of candidates applied and appeared in competitive exam to grab government job. Now all dear candidates advised that get JSSC CGTTCE Result 2018 Date. It will disclosed as soon by official head.
झारखंड संयुक्त स्नातक प्रशिक्षित शिक्षक प्रतिस्पर्धी परीक्षा परिणाम जल्द उपलब्ध होगी
Jharkhand Staff Selection Commission fully undertaken by state government and conducts competitive as well as recruitment test time to time. Therefore department seeking eligible candidates for 17793 posts. Trained Graduate Teacher to be filled through written test followed interview. Candidates waiting for result from long time, so they inform that result will be available within couple of days. Get JSSC CGTTCE 2018 Result subject wise will declared soon.
JSSC CGTTCE Result 2018
Candidates those appeared in exam informed that get JSSC CGTTCE Result Name Wise along with Jharkhand CGTTCE Result 2018 from option given below.
झारखंड कर्मचारी चयन आयोग ने 20 से 26 अक्टूबर तक संयुक्त स्नातक प्रशिक्षित शिक्षक प्रतिस्पर्धी परीक्षा आयोजित की। अब उम्मीदवारों ने सूचित किया कि परिणाम और योग्यता सूची पीडीएफ को jssc.nic.in से प्राप्त करें. Also get JSSC CGTTCE Cut Off Marks 2018 and announced date. संयुक्त स्नातक प्रशिक्षित शिक्षक प्रतिस्पर्धी परीक्षा के परिणाम जल्द ही घोषित किए जाएंगे.
Jharkhand Staff Selection Commission, Ranchi busy in preparation of exam and result will available very soon.
JSSC CGTTCE Result 2018 Date
Under Jharkhand Academic Council thousands of schools enlisted and approx 18000 TGT posts to be filled through competitive exam. A large number of candidates were appeared in exam. So all aspirants advised that get Jharkhand CGTTCE Merit List 2018 pdf which will available within couple of days. Pariksha ka parinam jald hi ghoshit kiya jayega. JSSC will announced competitive exam very soon.
Name of Exam | Combined Graduate Trained Teacher Competitive Exam |
Commission | Jharkhand Staff Selection Commission |
Examination | CGTTCE 2017 |
Exam Date | 20 October to 26 November 2017 |
Result | JSSC CGTTCE Results 2018 |
Merit List | JSSC CGTTCE Merit List pdf Download |
Available | To be announced |
Cutoff | Jharkhand CGTTCE Cut Off Marks |
Therefore all candidates informed that stay online with jssc.in or jssc.nic.in to get exam updates and further selection process. Also candidates advised to frequently visit or stay online with chsma.in to get JSSC Result CGTTCE 2018. It will available very soon.
JSSC CGTTCE Merit List 2018 pdf
Overview of Combined Graduate Trained Teacher Competitive Examination –
Competitive exam conducted in one phase and Hindi was question paper language. Also multiple choice objective type of questions asked. Total 500 marks questions asked in which 200 marks questions from General Knowledge, Hindi Language and 300 marks questions asked from Concerned Subjects.
Subjects – Hindi, English, Education, Physical Science, Sanskrit, Mathematics, Life Science, History, Geography, Economics, Commerce, Home Science etc.
Therefore all candidates advised that stay online for JSSC CGTTCE Exam Result 2018. For more information & updates frequently visit at chsma.in. Jharkhand Staff Selection Commission will announce result very soon.
Moreover for interview date and further selection process, information will update soon. Dear aspirants those appeared in exam and seeking JSSC Result of CGTTCE as well as JSSC TGT Result 2017. All informed that department will release exam result within couple of days.
JSSC TGT Exam Result 2018
Combined Graduate Trained Teacher Competitive Exam 2018 conducted to select eligible candidates for 17793 posts of TGT Teachers. Competitive exam supervised by Staff Selection Commission of Jharkhand under state government. So all dear candidates informed that get JSSC CGTTCE Exam Result 2018 as well as get JSSC CGTTCE Result Date 2018. For more updates information please stay tuned and result will available very soon. Jharkhand Staff Selection Commission will release result very soon.
झारखंड कर्मचारी चयन आयोग will announced संयुक्त स्नातक प्रशिक्षित शिक्षक प्रतियोगी परीक्षा result with in couple of days.
- Firstly click on official link provided below.
- Then official JSSC page will open
- After that click on result category & open CGTTCE Result link
- Then Download merit list, get result by submit roll number, DOB
- It will released as soon.
Link – Jharkhand GDS Result 2018 Merit List
Link – JSSC CGTTCE Result 2018 – Get Exam Result Here
Garhwa ka cut of biology and chemistry
Sir chatra me urdu ki kitni cutoff h
Physical education teacher gharwa district se kitna cutoff jaa sakta hai.mere 81 hai.
Aapka chance banta hai.
gadawa se history and civics 117 questions hai kya ho skta hai other state walo ka
jharkhand palamu distric geography subject ka cut off kitna ho sakta hai?in cgttce
aap ka kitna hai mukul sir me v palamu geography se hu general
100 to 105
Geography giridih me kitna cut off ja sakta hai
What is expected cut off chemistry and biology on devghar district.
Mera palamu distt hai urdu se
Mere 135 question sahi
Ho sakta hai waise cut off kitna jayega
Please tell me sir
Pakka aap party ki tayyari kijiye
Purs chance h. 228 se jyda apke jankari me kitne students h ?
Math and physics 76 question
District plamu
Sir . mera sanskrt me 256/300 dhanbad se plzz cut off bataye
Sir sanskrt me 256/300 dhanbad se h cut off Kitna jayega plzz batye
Giridih me biology ka cutoff kitna hai
Nagpuri subject ka kitna nbr me hona chahiye ranchi se.
Palamu me English ki merit general ki kya ho sakti hai sir ji plz bahane ki kripa kare
गिरिडीह संस्कृत जनरल 270-280 तक मेरिटजा सकती है आपको क्या लगता है ?
गिरिडीह संस्कृत जनरल कितनी सम्भावनाएं आपके अनुसार मुझे लग रहा है 270-280 पर मेरिट लगेगी ।
आप भी बताएं
संस्कृत रांची से 122 सही है । female gen. सम्भावना है क्या ??
Physical education sai cut off kya hoga
Physical education sai gridhi sai kaya cut off hoga..
85+ rahane ki sambhavana hai
Bhai log hindi me mera 106 q sahi hai pakur se koi chans hai
Jssc Palau history civics
me 240 se adik and dale
Dist latehar subject history &civics ka cut off kitna jayega ST me..
Gumla ka cutoff marks physical education me kitna h sir…? please send me..
sir mera oh categari se 95 geography me sahi kya interview hoga!
History pakar ka cut off keya rahega
Mera 79-158 hae
godda se hindi vale kitne hai,mera 110 question sahi hai kya chanch hai plese .
Dhanbad ..bangla ..kitne cutoff jayega
JSSC TGT Dhanbad dist. se cutoff kitna hoga BENGALI ka???mera score 230/300
म्यूजिक में मेरा 118 सही है गिरिडीह का कट ऑफ कितना जा सकता है म्यूजिक में
Giridih se.. History political me kitna jyega merit
Dhanbad ka candidate mathand physics ka apna marks bheje taki cut up ka and andaja ho sake….
Ghanshyam =98
hari= 86
sudhir =75
Math and physics 76question
Sunil math 75
Geo ka cutt off kitna h Dumka mai
200 tk rh skta h
Giridih ka cut off marks kya hoga music ka obc activation m
100 se uper correct hona chahiye..apka kitna h
Sir Geography me 160 ke as pas h kya oh category ho sakta h
Sir Mera Sanskrit me 240 score Hai ..dhanbaad me general cut off kitna jayega…
Jaroor hoga bhai
Giridih se hindi me 215 par kya ho sakta hai ? Gn category
Mera sanskrit me 138 questions cur.
rect hai ,dhanbad jila se.
Tera ho jayega
Chance to hai
Joing ki taiyari rakho bhai
Nagpuri me 149 sahi h ranchi se
Archana ji aap kis category se hai. Ranchi se mai v nagpuri subject se hu….
Aapka kon sa category me hai…….
thik hai apka ho jayega
Dumka ka bio aur chemistry mai general ka cut off kitna gaya hai bhai
Dumka se geo ka kitna cutt of h..mera 156 aa raha h
Palamu se hindi ka cut of mark kya hoga sir please say me
bio ka cut off kya hoga for devghar dist.
sir ramgarh se english ka kya cutoff ja sakta hai
Godda history civics sub group me apna marks btaiye
Palamu se sanskrit gen ki 140 layegi
गढ़वा संगीत में कितना नम्बर लाने वाले का हो सकता है
sir mera ramgarh se eng mein 90 bc-1 kya ye probable zone ho sakta hai.
Mera 153 hai बोकारो se history me koi chances है.. जनरल से
मेरा 153 है हिस्ट्री से मेने बोकारो से bhra हैं मै sc कैटेगरी से हू pr वो दिल्ली का है मेनन fill krte टाईम फ़ॉर्म मे bhra था पर एडमिट कार्ड unreceived का aya 153 मे कोई चांस है मेरा