JSSC CGTTCE Result 2018~Marks! झारखण्ड TGT Cut~off/Merit List
Candidates eagerly waiting for result and merit list subject wise. They inform that stay online with jssc.
Jharkhand Combined Graduate Trained Teacher Competitive Exam held from October to 26th November 2017. Competitive exam supervised by Jharkhand Staff Selection Commission. Massive number of candidates applied and appeared in competitive exam to grab government job. Now all dear candidates advised that get JSSC CGTTCE Result 2018 Date. It will disclosed as soon by official head.
झारखंड संयुक्त स्नातक प्रशिक्षित शिक्षक प्रतिस्पर्धी परीक्षा परिणाम जल्द उपलब्ध होगी
Jharkhand Staff Selection Commission fully undertaken by state government and conducts competitive as well as recruitment test time to time. Therefore department seeking eligible candidates for 17793 posts. Trained Graduate Teacher to be filled through written test followed interview. Candidates waiting for result from long time, so they inform that result will be available within couple of days. Get JSSC CGTTCE 2018 Result subject wise will declared soon.
JSSC CGTTCE Result 2018
Candidates those appeared in exam informed that get JSSC CGTTCE Result Name Wise along with Jharkhand CGTTCE Result 2018 from option given below.
झारखंड कर्मचारी चयन आयोग ने 20 से 26 अक्टूबर तक संयुक्त स्नातक प्रशिक्षित शिक्षक प्रतिस्पर्धी परीक्षा आयोजित की। अब उम्मीदवारों ने सूचित किया कि परिणाम और योग्यता सूची पीडीएफ को jssc.nic.in से प्राप्त करें. Also get JSSC CGTTCE Cut Off Marks 2018 and announced date. संयुक्त स्नातक प्रशिक्षित शिक्षक प्रतिस्पर्धी परीक्षा के परिणाम जल्द ही घोषित किए जाएंगे.
Jharkhand Staff Selection Commission, Ranchi busy in preparation of exam and result will available very soon.
JSSC CGTTCE Result 2018 Date
Under Jharkhand Academic Council thousands of schools enlisted and approx 18000 TGT posts to be filled through competitive exam. A large number of candidates were appeared in exam. So all aspirants advised that get Jharkhand CGTTCE Merit List 2018 pdf which will available within couple of days. Pariksha ka parinam jald hi ghoshit kiya jayega. JSSC will announced competitive exam very soon.
Name of Exam | Combined Graduate Trained Teacher Competitive Exam |
Commission | Jharkhand Staff Selection Commission |
Examination | CGTTCE 2017 |
Exam Date | 20 October to 26 November 2017 |
Result | JSSC CGTTCE Results 2018 |
Merit List | JSSC CGTTCE Merit List pdf Download |
Available | To be announced |
Cutoff | Jharkhand CGTTCE Cut Off Marks |
Therefore all candidates informed that stay online with jssc.in or jssc.nic.in to get exam updates and further selection process. Also candidates advised to frequently visit or stay online with chsma.in to get JSSC Result CGTTCE 2018. It will available very soon.
JSSC CGTTCE Merit List 2018 pdf
Overview of Combined Graduate Trained Teacher Competitive Examination –
Competitive exam conducted in one phase and Hindi was question paper language. Also multiple choice objective type of questions asked. Total 500 marks questions asked in which 200 marks questions from General Knowledge, Hindi Language and 300 marks questions asked from Concerned Subjects.
Subjects – Hindi, English, Education, Physical Science, Sanskrit, Mathematics, Life Science, History, Geography, Economics, Commerce, Home Science etc.
Therefore all candidates advised that stay online for JSSC CGTTCE Exam Result 2018. For more information & updates frequently visit at chsma.in. Jharkhand Staff Selection Commission will announce result very soon.
Moreover for interview date and further selection process, information will update soon. Dear aspirants those appeared in exam and seeking JSSC Result of CGTTCE as well as JSSC TGT Result 2017. All informed that department will release exam result within couple of days.
JSSC TGT Exam Result 2018
Combined Graduate Trained Teacher Competitive Exam 2018 conducted to select eligible candidates for 17793 posts of TGT Teachers. Competitive exam supervised by Staff Selection Commission of Jharkhand under state government. So all dear candidates informed that get JSSC CGTTCE Exam Result 2018 as well as get JSSC CGTTCE Result Date 2018. For more updates information please stay tuned and result will available very soon. Jharkhand Staff Selection Commission will release result very soon.
झारखंड कर्मचारी चयन आयोग will announced संयुक्त स्नातक प्रशिक्षित शिक्षक प्रतियोगी परीक्षा result with in couple of days.
- Firstly click on official link provided below.
- Then official JSSC page will open
- After that click on result category & open CGTTCE Result link
- Then Download merit list, get result by submit roll number, DOB
- It will released as soon.
Link – Jharkhand GDS Result 2018 Merit List
Link – JSSC CGTTCE Result 2018 – Get Exam Result Here
Result kab tak ayega?
Jssc tgt result kab jari hogs?
Garhwa district se economic ka cuttoff koi btaye pls.
Latehar dist se hu Commerce me kitna cut off marks se uthaya ja raha pl batawe.
गोड्डा मे physical education me tgt का कट ऑफ मार्क्स कितना है।
Physical ka cut off marks kitna hone ki sambhavna hai Garhwa district me
Sher Mera Hazaribagh se Sanskrit mein 120 question सही है मेरा लिस्ट में नाम आएगा TGT main
Sir tgt ka result kab tak ayega palamu se hindi ki cut of kitni jayegi
गिरिडीह से हिंदी की कितनी मेरिट जा सकती है
Bokaro general geography ka cutoff kya hoga? Pls …
Ram gan me 150 number gen Ka kya chance hai. Physical education me
Sir chatra ka Hindi ka cutaf kitana hi Mera 123 q sahi hi
Dumka me history and polical ka cutt off kitna rahega
Sir Sanskrit ka simdega me cut off marks kitna rahega.
Mera music me 244 number h giridih se or genral CATEGORY SE HOON..KYA CHANCE H
Deoghar ka kitna cut off hoga math&phys ?
142question sahi hai. Godda se. Sanskrit main. Kitna chance hai? Other state se hu…..
Dhanbad district SA physical education ma 89 questions sahi hai general ma kya chance hai
Hum bokaro se hai history political me mere 100/150 no hai koi chans hai
music me 300 me se 222 nomber aaye hai jila hajaribag ke liye ganral categary from (mp) hajaribag
Tgt ka result kub Tak ayegs
Palamu se mathe mai 86 question walo ka chance Hai Kya koi friend batawe
Lohardaga se commerce ka cut off kitna hae
Mera palamu district sai math mai. 86 question sahi hai
Physical education ma Dhanbad district SA general ma 89 questions sahi hai kya chance hai
ghadhwa wale hindi se
Tgt k results kab anyenge sir
Mera 122ques. In music..
Koi bokaro se jiske history civic mey 120 + hai. Sabse kam cut off bokaro ki rahegi kyuki yaha bacche bahut kam lag rahe hai
Palamu se Sanskrit subject wale cutoff ka anuman bataye last kitna ja salty hai.
Manulal bhogta
Subject khortha. 144 sahi hai
Bokaro se
History civic candidate predict cut off
Giridhi se sanskrit ka kitana cutoff jayega. …
Kab tak aaega result
Palamu se physical education ka cut of marks kya he.
Sir result kb aayega
Sar ji palamu se civics or history ka cut off kitna rhega
देवघर का हिंदी का किनता गया है
Chatra me 220 marks se upar kisi ka hai
latehar gila m Hindi Ka Kitna cut off Jayega sir
Palamu obc2 ka geography ka kitna cut off rahega sir je
Physical education ma 89 questions sahi hai Dhanbad district SA general ma kya chance hai
Chatra Commerce TGT /PGT GROUP
Who aspirants from bokaro in maths physics
Physical education ma 89 questions kya chance hai
Hajaribag me economics ka cut of kitna jayega
application hajaribag se genral categary from (mp) sub-music paper2 me 224 ank confumhai kya selection ke chancess hai
Sir palamu se sanskrit ki tgt me kitni cutoff jane ki sambhavana hai
sir other district ke liye bengali me cut off marks kitna ayega
Apka score aur district kya hai…mera east singhbhum se score 115 hai
Bokaro history ki kitni jyagi mera 154 no hai