NVS LDC Result 2018~pdf @nvshq.org LDC-Clerk Cut off, Merit List
NVS Combined Merit List of Staff Nurse, Audit Assistant, Hindi Translator, Female Assistant and Catering Assistant available now. But Lower Division Clerk exam result will available very soon. Stay online with nvshq.org to get NVS LDC Results 2018
नवोदय विद्यालय समिति गैर शिक्षण भर्ती परीक्षा 12 वीं, 13 वीं, 14 जनवरी 2018 को आयोजित की गई थी। इसलिए लोगों ने सूचित किया कि एनवीएस परीक्षा परिणाम 2018 और चयन सूची प्राप्त करें।
From 12th January 2018 to 14th January 2018 Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti conduct recruitment against non teaching post. Recruitment test for Lower Division Clerk, Storekeeper, Hindi Translator, Laboratory Attendant, Staff Nurse, Audit Attendant, Catering Assistant. So dear aspirants informed that get NVS LDC Result 2018 Date as well as NVS Cut Off Marks 2018.
NVS LDC Result 2018
People informed that get recruitment exam result, cut off marks. As per Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti examination result will be available within couple of days.
NV Samiti have been sanctioned for five hundred seventy six district. Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas run by NVS, New Delhi. Organisation under Department of School Education and Literacy as well as Ministry of Human Resource Development and Government of India. Co-educational schools affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education. NVS Cut Off 2018
NVS LDC Result 2018 pdf Download
नवोदय विद्यालय समिति नॉन टीचिंग लोअर डिवीजन क्लर्क, लैब सहायक, स्टाफ नर्स, स्टोरर, हिंदी अनुवादक के लिए भर्ती परीक्षा परिणाम। इसे जल्द ही घोषित किया जाएगा. NVS LDC Cut Off 2018
Apart that get NVS Cutoff 2018 as well as NVS LDC Results 2018 Name Wise. It will declared as soon.
Recruitment detail –
Total Posts – 683 posts
Posts – Lower Division Clerk, Staff Nurse, Lab Assistant, Hindi Translator and Catering Assistant
Samiti | Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti |
Head Quarter | New Delhi |
Exam Date | 12-14 January 2018 |
Posts | LDC, Storekeeper, Lab Assistant |
Category | Non Teaching |
Result | NVS Result 2018 LDC |
Cut Off | NVS LDC Cut Off Marks 2018 |
Available | Available Soon |
People those appeared in recruitment test, they advised that examination result will available with in few days. As per government one JNV established in each district of country. NVS run by an autonomous organisation under Government of India. Department invite applicants for 683 non teaching posts. So get NVS Non Teaching Result 2018.
NVS LDC Results 2018 Date
Staff Nurse – Hindi, English, Mental Ability, Reasoning, General Knowledge, Concerned Subjects
LDC – Hindi, English, Mental Ability, Reasoning, Arithmetical Ability, General Knowledge and Awareness
Total 100 questions asked and each question carry 1 mark So total 100 marks for each post.
Therefore huge number of candidates seeking for NVS Lower Division Clerk Result 2018 along with NVS LDC Results 2018. It will available as soon.
NVS Answer Key 2018 Objection Submission News
नवोदय विद्यालय समिति लोअर डिवीजन क्लर्क, प्रयोगशाला सहायक, कैटरिंग सहायक, स्टोरर, ऑडिट सहायक भर्ती परीक्षा परिणाम और कट ऑफ अंक जल्द ही डिकेल्रड होंगे। नवोदय विद्यालय समिति की भर्ती विभाग की घोषणा जल्द ही होगी.
National Policy on Education 1986 envisaged setting up of residential schools to be called JNV schools that would be bring out the best of rural talent. Dear aspirants informed that get NVS LDC Exam Result 2018 moreover NVS LDC Result Name Wise.
NVS LDC Merit List 2018 pdf
Dear aspirants those applied for recruitment and give examination. Appeared candidates informed that get selection list. After that candidates will called for skill test if any. Therefore NVS LDC Results 2018 Name Wise and cut off list will released as soon. Moreover follow instructions and open official link to get NVS LDC Merit List 2018. नवोदय विद्यालय समिति भर्ती परीक्षा का परिणाम जल्द आप लोगो के सामने होगा.
Click on link given below , official page will open
Then NVSHQ page will open in new tab.
After that click on recruitment result
Then click on result, cut off marks
Link – PM Awas Yojana List 2018-19 Draw
===>>> Result Link – NVS Non Teaching Result 2018 – Click Here
Bhai PDF download nahi ho rahi he
Ldc ka result kb tkayega
LDC st cut marks khatak rahega sir
Lab asistent ka result kab aayga sirf btaya jata hai jald aayga
Sir what is the expected cutt off marks of LDC 2018 of esm.
Sir staff nurse ka cut off kitna jayega
Sir oh pH candidate me oh ki cutoff kitni rah Sakti hai
Nvs ldc Result kb aayga sir pls reply
Assistant catering 55 sc category any chance
Sir storkiper me sc ka cut off kitna jayega
Result kb tak aayega LDC ka
Kb ayega LDC result
Sir nvs ka staff nurse ka result kb aa rha h pls kuch information do
General ki cut off kitne tak jayegi
Sir mera 89 aa raha hai mera ho sakta hai mai obc me aata hu
Mane mei ab meri answer key Dekha sakta Hu kya
NVS LDC result kab tak aayega
SC category me 71 marks hai
Result ho sakta hai
Sir when result declare please tell me. i get 42 mark any chance for next level
Sir sc ki merit kite tk jayegii
Or hindi typing main kon sa font use hogaa sir plzx info that…
Staff nurse 88
How many % required to selection the post of lab attendant in ST category
70% in lab attendant any expectation to be select in ST category
St ka cutt off rahega
Sar kab tk result aayega ldc ka ye bta dijiye taki typing ka teyari kr ske
Sir ldc ka result kab aayega please tell me.
Sir ldc ka rsult kab ayega????
Nvs (LDC) results kB aayga place reply
Hello, St 59 lab attend any chance
Hi could you please intimate me cutoffs for Ex-serviceman in LDC category?
Sir what will be cut of for sc in lab attendent
audit assistant ka kya cut off rahega friends plzz share
Lab assist me 75 h obc se kya chance h
kB aega sir reught
Result kab ana hai nvs ka
Sir Cattring assistant ka result kab tk aayega
Dear sir
nvs catering assistant ka result kab tak aayega?
pwd ki kya cut off rahe gi
Sir ST,
ST PH OH ki cut off kitni hoyegi
Sir Audit Assistant ka Result kb aayega. Coz kuch pata nai chal rha agar kisi ko v jankari ho plz rply me in comment section.
Kab ayega result sir
70 marks pr ldc obc me kuchh ho skta hai sir
Catering assistant ka nikal kab hai bhai
expected cutoff of ldc
Lab attendent ki answer key ke bare me bta du kuj
Result kb aayega NVS LDC ka
Sir I am ph(oh) candidate and I scored 59 marks.What chance for me..
How about catering assist cutoff results for sc category
Sir ldc ka result kab ayega koi idea
SIR…. WHEN DECLARE ldc written exam,,, my cutt mark 93 …. kio chance hai
Etna m to enquire hogi